[SIN] KILLER: junho 2012

sábado, junho 30, 2012

[Gigs] Texas in July and Auburn SUMMER EUROPE TOUR!

6/23 - Koln, GER - MTC Club
6/24 - Bessel, Belgium - Graspop Metal Meeting
6/25 - Southampton, UK - Joiners
6/26 - Sheffield, UK - Corporation
6/27 - London, UK - Underworld
6/28 - Margate, UK - Westcoast Bar
6/29 - Hamburg, Germany - Headcrash
6/30 - Roitzschjora, Germany - With Full Force
7/02 - Tannenheim, Germany - Schwarzer Adler
7/03 - Lyon, France - La Marquise
7/04 - Nice, France - Altherax
7/06 - Barcelona, Spain - Mephisto
7/07 - Valencia, Spain - Sala Fusion
7/10 - Pecs, Hungary - Rockmaraton Festival
7/11 - Weins, Austria - Szene
7/12 - Graz, Austria - Explosiv
7/14 - Neckarsulm, Germany - Gleis 3
7/17 - Weisbaden, Germany - SCHLACHTHOF
7/18 - Mirano, Italy - The Box
7/19 - Bolzano, Italy - Rock n Roll Club
7/20 - Reterbido, Italy - Carlito's Way
7/21 - Munchen, Germany - Free & Easy Festival


Roxx Records : Various Artists | Summer Sampler 2012

PressReleaseRoxx Records has been working very hard for over 10 years now to bring you, the listener, some of the best Christian Rock and Metal this side of Heaven. And 2012 has been no exception and right here we are offering you a free taste of some of this years already classic releases as well as some insight to what the future holds for Roxx Records the remainder of 2012! 

If you like what you hear jump over to our website www.roxxproductions.com or any of our retail outlets and pick up a copy to support the cause! Roxx Records titles are available at Amazon, Century Media, CD Baby, iTunes and wherever fine indie music is supported!

But for now, sit back and take in some free tunes courtesy of Roxx Records! Enjoy!

The Sacrificed – Behold The Power of God
* Taken from the Roxx Records Release ‘III’ (Now Available)
Liberty N Justice – Get Down
* Taken from the Roxx Records Release ‘Hell is coming to Breakfast’ (Now Available)
Jump Ship Quick – Hollywouldn’t
* Taken from the Punk Roxx Records Release ‘Where thieves cannot tread’ (Now Available)
Join The Dead – Out of Breath
* Taken from the Roxx Records Release ‘Join The Dead’ (Release Date August 7, 2012)
Liberty N Justice – Jesus Love Shout
* Taken from the Roxx Records Release ‘Before the Revolution - Best of LNJ The Early Years’   (Available Fall 2012)
Ultimatum – Heart of Metal (Metal Pulse Radio Mix)
* Taken from the Roxx Records BONUS DISC version ‘Heart of Metal – 20 years of Ultimatum’ (Available Fall 2012)
ForChristSake – Red Moon
* Previously unreleased live version recorded on the 11th of May in Midtown Wales UK! Watch for their debut album on Roxx Records ‘Apocalyptic Visions of Divine Terror’ (Available Fall 2012)
Ascendant – The Alteration
* Taken from the album ‘The Alteration’ with US Distribution through Roxx Records (Now Available)

sexta-feira, junho 29, 2012

[Gigs] : Ponto Nulo no Céu & + uma renca...

Links : https://www.facebook.com/events/388832561164892/


- PONTO NULO NO CÉU http://www.facebook.com/PontonulonoceuPNNC
- Lavinia (Show de volta aos palcos)
- Survive http://www.myspace.com/surviveband
- Burn the Lies http://www.purevolume.com/burnthelies
- 18 Voutz http://www.facebook.com/18voutz
- Receive http://www.facebook.com/ReceiveRock
- Açucena
- 7 Minutos Para Morrer

R$10,00 - 1º Lote (100 ingressos)
R$15,00 - 2º Lote
(Show limitado para 250 pessoas)

Túnel do Rock (Rua XV de Novembro, 74)
Ps: À venda a partir de Julho.

[Gigs] Destruction Fest UK 2012. W/ Drottnar headlining...

Drottnar, My Silent Wake, Bloodwork, Seventh Angel, Cythraul

Deliverance : Revela título do novo álbum...

"HEAR WHAT I SAY!" The new Deliverance album - coming Fall 2012...


quinta-feira, junho 28, 2012

Entrevista : Coração de Heroi : Thrash sem treta.

O [SIN] KILLER foi bater um papo com o ex Korzus, Treta, Marcelo Marcelo Nejem (aka Soldado). Ele formou Coração de Heroi e seu primeiro  self-release, Apocalipse XVIII tem sido comentado entre os cristãos metalheads e imprensa desse seguimento. Informações biográficas e assuntos  espirituais estão nas enter-lines... 

[SIN] KILLER Nos conte sobre seus backgrounds, musical e religioso.

Soldado -  Comecei tocando violão aos 6 anos de idade ! Pedi e ganhei um  violão . Precisava daquilo com 6 cordas e um som irado ! 

Desde então toquei quase todos os estilos de música existentes. Especializei-me em som pesado (metal/hardcore), mas graças a Deus , estudei e curti muitos outros estilos . Isto foi ótimo, pois refletiu diretamente na minha técnica atual. Que não é limitada . Carrego uma bagagem variada de estilos, abrindo um campo enorme na hora da criação ! O Rock in Rio 1 foi o divisor de águas . DISTORÇÃO !!!

Tirei vários sons de quase todas as bandas que tocaram naquele evento . Na época, com 14 anos , eu era uma verdadeira "esponja sonora" (rsrsrs) !!! Mas se for para citar minhas maiores influências:  Van Halen,  Anthrax, Megadeth, Metallica, Korzus, Slayer, Pantera, Prong, Helmet, S.O.D., Madball, Biohazard. Trago muita influência do Rock Pop dos anos 80 também ! Paralamas, Ultraje, Lulu Santos, Tóquio, RPM, Titãs, Ira , Heróis da Resistência, Zero, Plebe Rude, Legião, etc ... 

Tenho Jesus Cristo como  “a verdade” e caminho para Deus em minha vida , livre de doutrinas , filosofias ou religiosidade. Quero muito ser batizado. 

Fui batizado pela igreja católica quando bebê, mas isso pra mim não fez sentido. Foi algo imposto, da qual eu não tive a menor participação. Quero ser batizado da mesma forma como foi Jesus Cristo , adulto , ciente da importância do ato. Sinto ser importante para minha blindagem. 

Jesus Cristo apresentou-se em minha vida no ano de 2007 . Não tenho como descrever em palavras a forma com a qual aconteceu , só sei que da noite para o dia , eu era outra pessoa . Sozinho, sem suporte de ninguém . Nenhuma pregação. Nunca fui à igreja . Desde o começo deste ano (2012) tenho participado de um culto de domingo , onde vou ouvir a Palavra de Deus através dos amigos missionários . Mas voltando para o início de 2007 ... lí um livro que mexeu muito comigo . Tratava-se de uma história baseada em fatos reais ( como nomes, datas, locais , etc alterados para preservar os personagens ) , entregando um baita esquema do satanismo aqui no nosso país . Envolvendo a nata da política , empresários, mídia , entretenimento (infantil inclusive) , etc . Este livro me fez pesquisar muito sobre o assunto da Nova Ordem Mundial , e as descobertas foram incríveis. Eu simplesmente desconhecia todo este universo espiritual , as batalhas.  Resumindo : do jeito que está , só Jesus mesmo . Está tudo acontecendo milimetricamente em concordância com o último livro da Bíblia . Apocalipse .Foi assim que nasceu o Coração de Herói ... para descortinar as armadilhas do inimigo , e trazer uma palavra de fé.

[SIN]KILLER Quando e como foi sua saida do Korzus e Treta?

Soldado  Saí do Korzus em meados de 97 . Foi uma saída turbulenta, truculenta da minha parte . Eu era um cara radical , explosivo . Por mais que estivesse certo em minhas observações, do jeito que  expressei,   fui totalmente equivocado. O estopim foi quando o Silvão (guitarra) deixou a gente no meio da turnê nos EUA, para resolver problemas pessoais aqui no Brasil. Pô... eu com 26 anos , voando baixo , totalmente focado no som , achei um absurdo aquilo. Faltavam 3 shows para o término da turnezinha e , como teria que fazê-los sozinho (Korzus são 2 guitarras ever), abaixei a afinação e limei todos os solos . Foi assim que nasceu a primeira idéia de montar o Treta. Graças a Deus tive a oportunidade de pedir perdão a todos os integrantes do Korzus , por causa do episódio da minha saída . Como falei , eu era um cara  explosivo demais , orgulhoso ao extremo, bom coração sim , mas a ira falava mais alto . Ferí muitas pessoas naquela época (não fisicamente) por ser radical. Hoje me arrependo por inúmeras atitudes daquela época, e em oração, peço ao Pai que me perdoe e que este pedido de perdão chegue a cada uma das pessoas que passaram por minha vida ! Se fosse hoje, seria diferente . Eu entenderia o lado do Silvão e daria uma palavra de apoio. O Treta ... rsrsrsrsrsrs...... o Treta era muita treta irmão !!! hahahahahahahaha ..... por isso que não teve jeito ! Brincadeiras a parte , quando compreendi a real existência de Deus minhas letras tomaram outro rumo . As mensagens do Treta ficaram em um passado. Mas o momento é outro. O inimigo não é de carne e sangue ... O Treta era "olho por olho, dente por dente" . O Coração de Herói é compaixão, perdão, retomada de preceitos esquecidos, é combate às forças do mal,  Veio de Deus !

[SIN]KILLER  Soldado é apelido?

R.: Apelido que eu ganhei do Dick , baixista do Korzus !!!! Mó barato , pois casa direitinho com meu estilo de vida . Sou um soldado com capa de civil ! hahahahahaha Sou a favor dos militares invadirem Brasília e prenderem todos aqueles bandidos malditos . Esse papo de "ditadura militar" é um slogan utilizado pela quadrilha do PT para que a nação não clame aos militares por socorro. Só que ninguém percebeu que estamos vivenciando uma "ditadura vermelha" imposta por este partido criminoso. Porém, o pior é aquele que está "perto" do trono ... Fiquem atentos ! Ao bom entendedor...
4 Você poderia falar de um ‘grande momento’ vivido nas duas bandas?
R.: Ah irmão .... muitos ... mas vamos tentar : com o Korzus , sem dúvida , foi a turnê nos EUA , em Dezembro de 1996 . Pô, foi um sonho realizado ! Ver a galera de lá curtindo a nossa sonzera, por ser uma sonzera boa de qualidade , ser valorizado como músico . Por exemplo, não tivemos nenhum problema por sermos estrangeiros em solo americano. Quando as pessoas olhavam para nós , e percebiam se tratar de uma banda de rock, tratavam-nos muito bem , com sorriso no rosto ! Rock é cultura lá. Propaganda de cereal matinal tem guitarra distorcida!
 Com o Treta , foi o primeiro show !!! Caaaaara , aquilo foi insano ! Era uma banda formada por 4 caras que andavam juntos o dia todo , todos os dias ! Época incrível ! Foi uma pena nos terem confundidos com carecas , skinheads , só por causa do visual ! Isso gerou muita confusão envolvendo o nome da banda . Tratava-se apenas de uma banda que cantava as notícias dos jornais e revistas ! Ou seja ... a podridão .

[SIN]K... Coração de Heroi é um nome inspirado em algum filme, HQ’s?

Soldado : É de uma frase que surgiu em minha mente no início de 2009 . Eu fiquei com aquilo pipocando: " Pô, pior que não existir mais herói é o fato de não mais existirem pessoas com coração de herói, com vontade de ser herói . Herói implica sacrifício . E o maior de todos , sem sombra de dúvidas, foi  Cristo ! Você é a terceira pessoa que fala sobre isso ... hahahahaha

Poderia virar um game ou um filme, né ?! hahahahahaha

[SIN]K  As composições dos temas de Apocalipse 18 teve ajuda de algum bible head?

R.: Sim . Há muitas passagens bíblicas nas letras do Apocalipse 18 . Armadura é Efésios, em sua totalidade. Da Rua traz partes de Eclesiastes. E Apocalipse , é a grande porrada no sistema . Todo este play foi feito com oração e jejum . Desde as letras , às músicas, capa , encarte ... Tudo. 

[SIN]K  Você conhece, tem algum envolvimento com metal cristão, enquanto cena?

R.: Graças a Deus estou tendo este contato agora. Descobrindo bandas iradíssimas!!! E estou muito feliz por isso cara , pois , vou falar algo que vai chocar geral agora: da noite para o dia, deixei de ouvir muitas bandas que amava , muitos sons , por conta da mensagem que as músicas  carregam . Slayer foi uma delas . Simplesmente nunca mais ouvi ou toquei nada de Slayer , ou qualquer outro tipo de banda que blasfema contra Deus, ou prega ódio entre irmãos , ou que tenha qualquer tipo de ligação com doutrina satânica e afins . Não compactuo com isto . Já foi a época em que eu dizia: "Ah, não estou ligando para o que eles dizem nas letras, o que importa é que o som é irado. " Não é mais assim . A palavra, a mensgem , é o mais importante em um som . A única coisa que me interessa no inferno são as almas que resgatarei com minha espada , quando for enviado para lá... Impending Doom, For Today, Sleeping Giant, Demon Hunter , foram gratas surpresas . Uma das minhas favoritas, que não é gospel, mas os músicos são cristãos , é o As I Lay Dying ! 

[SIN]K “Infante Combatente”  é bem diferente dos demais hell-killer tracks...

Soldado 'Infante Combatente',  em princípio , é uma homenagem ao meu amigo Márcio Indalécio, soldado 821, armeiro, 1Pel,1Cia, InfaGda, II Batalhão de Guardas do Exército, 89/90 ! Deus o chamou ainda jovem , no auge de seus trinta e poucos anos . Nós estudamos juntos desde o primário. E servimos no Exército juntos .Outros 2 amigos também me inspiraram neste som , o Dion PPT-Palhoça/SC/ (Pelotão de Patrulhamento Tático), e o Gil Cubas, irmão cara de leão, do mesmo batalhão no qual servimos . Parte dela é uma canção que bradávamos durante as marchas, as corridas da educação física. Porém , depois de um tempo , além de ser esta lembrança aos meus amigos , o som começou a ter um novo sentido , bem claro na frase : " Quando eu morrer quero ir de FAL ou de Beretta ... chegar no inferno e dar um tiro no capeta ... e o capeta vai gritar desesperado ... Meu Deus do céu , tira daqui este soldado ... " . O início deste som mostra a união existente entre os soldados , dividindo a ração/comida, a lealdade , a coragem necessária para o cumprimento da missão, seja ela qual for . É possível transportar todo este som para a “visão cristã” ... Ficou muito , mas muito legal mesmo quando este novo sentido surgiu !!!

[SIN]K A ultima palavra é sua ...

R.: Agradeço a Deus por esta oportunidade de ouro , por esta entrevista, seja Dele toda glória e louvor . O Coração de Herói não é uma banda evengélica , gospel . Deus nos mantém seculares, justamente para atingirmos as pessoas que O desconhecem . Nossa missão é brutal ! Semeandos em terrno hostil. Foi algo que surgiu em meu coração . Nem todos da banda são cristãos. Sou a raiz.

Para você ter idéia...  Demore i para responder esta entrevista, pois neste curto espaço de tempo, que recebi suas perguntas, minha mãe quebrou o braço , eu me envenenei com uma poeira de isopor por 2 vezes , e por aí vai ...O combate é feroz .  Galera, o poder está na oração ! Não deixem de orar . Por muitas vezes passaremos por desertos, sentiremos solidão , sentiremos que Deus não ouve nossa voz , cairemos ... Só que  ELE apenas quer que oremos com mais intensidade . Ele jamais nos abandona . Todas as músicas deste disco foram feitas sob oração e jejum . Há um compromisso enorme . Quando entramos nesta batalha , em nossas costas foram colocados "alvos" . As setas do inimigo são muitas , mas nosso escudo é poderoso . Não compactuamos com coisas do diabo. Na verdade , combatemos estas coisas ! Principalmente no ramo da música . Não cedam aos venenos musicais que existem por aí . Pratiquem  esporte . Farei 42 anos em agosto , e pratico esporte diariamente . Droga é destruição. Honre sua namorada, noiva, esposa . Passe longe da prostituição . E se o sistema o pressionar muito , olhe os pássaros e as flores , vá até a praia , sente em uma pedra e veja a perfeição que é a Obra de Deus ! Não há nada de novo embaixo do sol ... Nem saímos em turnê com o disco 1 , e o disco 2 está praticamente pronto . Este é o nosso compromisso com vocês . Ser realmente uma banda que chegou pra ficar , pra trabalhar duro , em prol da missão .... E missão dada, parceiro ... é missão cumprida !


HM Magazine July 2012 : AILD & TDWP


quarta-feira, junho 27, 2012

Impending Doom : Cristãos fela da p... em Deceiver.

Impending Doom Call Out Hypocrite Christians on 'Deceiver': Video Premiere - by Noisecreep Staff

Southern Californian metallers Impending Doom have partnered with Noisecreep to premiere their new video for "Deceiver." The track comes off Baptized in Filth, their latest slab of punishing death metal. Released in March, the record was produced by Andreas Magnusson and Machine, and has garnered the best reviews of their career.

Impending Doom lead singer Brook Reeves offered his thoughts on the band's mindset in making the "Deceiver" video:

"This video is a representation of the filthiness of sin that ultimately leads to hell and that is doesn't matter if someone calls themselves a Christian with their mouth if they are not producing fruit in their lives"

"There are a lot of Christians out there who are fakes and will try and deceive you for power, money, or other lusts of the flesh especially in these last days. So it's up to genuine, real, and courageous Christians to stand up and speak truth and not compromise."
Impending Doom recently announced a batch of tour dates this summer. Kicking off on July 5 in Little Rock, dates will run along the south and south west. Support duties come from Within the Ruins, Molotov Solution, Erra and To Each His Own. They'll end out the summer on the Scream It Like You Mean It tour alongside The Acacia Strain andOceano. The band is currently finishing up dates on the 2012 Van's Warped Tour.

Baptized in Filth is available now via eOne at this link.

Warped Tour dates:

6/27 Chula Vista, CA - Cricket Amphitheatre
6/28 Scottsdale, AZ - Camelback Park
6/29 Las Cruces, NM - N.M.S.U.Practice Field
6/30 San Antonio, TX - AT&T Center
7/1 Houston, TX - Reliant Park
7/3 Dallas , TX - Gexa Energy Pavillion

Headlining dates:

7/5 Little Rock, AR - Downtown Music Hall
7/6 Nashville, TN - Exit / IN
7/7 Columbus, GA - Gallery 13
7/8 Augusta, GA - Sector 7G
7/9 Jacksonville, FL - Rocketown
7/10 Pompano Beach, FL - The Pit
7/11 St Petersburg, FL - State Theater
7/12 Mobile, AL - Alabama Music box
7/13 Broussard, LA - The Station
7/14 Corpus Christi, TX - Zeros
7/15 Lubbock, TX - Texas Republic
7/16 Albuquerque, NM - Launchpad

Scream It Like You Mean It tour:

7/27 San Diego, CA - Soma
7/28 Las Vegas, NV - Fremont East District
7/29 Oakland, CA - Oakland Metro Operahouse
7/31 Salt Lake City, UT - In The Venue
8/1 Denver, CO - The Summit Music Hall
8/3 Des Moines, IA - Val Air Ballroom
8/4 Milwaukee, WI - The Rave
8/5 Pontiac, MI - The Crofoot
8/6 Chicago, IL - The Bottom Lounge
8/7 Cleveland, OH - Peabody's
8/8 Buffalo, NY - Infinity
8/9 Pittsburgh, PA - Stage AE
8/10 Allentown, PA - Crocodile Rock
8/11 Baltimore, MD - Sonar

Fonte - http://www.noisecreep.com/2012/06/26/impending-doom-deceiver-video/

As I Lay Dying - Cauterize (Official Lyric Video)

terça-feira, junho 26, 2012

OFFICIAL: Saviour Machine - 2012 Unmasked & Unplugged Concert Series Promo


"Unmasked / Unplugged" - Fall 2012 - European TOUR

Monday, SEPTEMBER 3rd to Saturday, SEPTEMBER 8th

On (June 3rd, 2012) Saviour Machine will perform the first of [6] consecutive concerts in Europe. These six performances will be the ONLY performances in 2012 and likely, the FINAL "intimate theater concerts" we will be able to give... Immediately following this one week "Theater Tour," we will begin post production of a comprehensive documentary / concert film, highlighting & showcasing footage from all 7 acoustic performances.

Please visit http://www.facebook.com/saviourmachineofficial andhttp://www.facebook.com/strangelove.productions for specific details concerning dates, times, locations, and on-sale events.

By band press.

[Pics] Vans Warped Tour in Pomona, California

The 2012 edition of the Vans Warped Tour swept through Pomona, California, on June 22, and our own Stephanie Cabral was there to catch the action. Below, you can check out her pics of the Used, Of Mice & Men, Miss May I, Four Year Strong, Blessthefall, Falling in Reverse, Pierce the Veil, and many more!


By http://www.revolvermag.com

Tourniquet : Luke Easter em projeto Comics.


Hello, I’m Kevin Kelly and this project is a bit odd. We are raising money for the SECOND book in a series of graphic novels – when the first book is unknown, and in fact has just been released today. The first book is a very long (210 pages) full-color graphic novel that tells the epic story of the clash between angels and robots and humans, and a special half-breed girl who has to decide whose side she is on. It’s called The Silver Cord, and some might classify it as spiritual fiction. I think of it as techno-epic. The story is completely finished, brand new, and as of today you can read it in its entirety either on our website for free, or as a printed book.
Continua --- http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/silvercord/the-silver-cord-a-techno-epic-graphic-novel

Luke Easter - Letterer, lyricist, lead singer, frontman for the award-winner Christian heavy metal rock band, Tourniquet, works with graphic elements, subculture fashions, slang, and street cred. Luke's website

Link : http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/silvercord/the-silver-cord-a-techno-epic-graphic-novel

segunda-feira, junho 25, 2012

As I Lay Dying : Nick Hipa fala sobre participação no Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival...

... Rockstar Energy Mayhem Festival, which is the world’s largest heavy music touring festival, kicks off its 2012 run June 30 in San Bernardino, Calif., and continues for over a month before wrapping August 5 in Hartford, Conn. Additional tour dates are expected to drop in the coming weeks. To stay up-to-date with Mayhem’s itinerary, visit the event’s official website.

Christian metal band As I Lay Dying have a reputation for a killer live show, and they’ll no doubt draw plenty of fans to Mayhem this year. Guitarist Nick Hipa recently told us that while the band’s members have Christian beliefs, their live show is for everyone. “Anyone who has seen this band knows that when they leave the show, they remember the show and our personalities,” Hipa said. “Everyone’s different beliefs are an aspect of them, but there’s isn’t an agenda behind the band as in being an evangelical band that’s trying to spread a certain message.

“Just like with a normal band, whatever is one your mind or whatever you’re dealing with personally is going to come through in your lyrics. [Lead singer] Tim [Lambesis] is a very philosophical dude, so his Christian perspective shows through on the lyrics.

Link original - http://audioinkradio.com/

domingo, junho 24, 2012

Babylon Mystery Orchestra : Poinium Cherem - " Os piores atributos de Roma .... Em nome do progresso...

The new CD is on its way to the production plant. Now is the time to release some details...

The record will be called "POINIUM CHEREM." Yes the words have very symbolic meaning. You will find them carved into the walls of a Christian Bakers house in the ruins of Pompeii. It is believed to be one of the earliest representations of Christianity outside of the Middle East. It appears the baker wasconvinced that the blow that was about to be dealt to Pompeii was a reward for the whorish nature of the city as well as for Rome's recent destruction of the Jewish temple in Jerusalem. From the instant incineration of Pompeii and its twin city Herculaneum to the one hour "Punishment Destruction" of Mystery Babylon USA, I have chosen to resurrect the words POINIUM CHEREM as the final words for a doomed civilization that tries every day to bring back all the worst attributes of Rome....in the name of progress.

The Track Listing:

1. Chorale...What Should Not Be
2. Destroyer
3. The Affliction
4. Apollyon
5. I Am An Artist
6. Devilution
7. Another Path
8. Seething
9. A Prophet's Song
10. We Write The Words
11. Poinium Cherem
12. Finale...What Could Not Be

The songs touch on such subjects as evolution, music and art, homosexuality and even...quantum physics? This will be fun. Absolute Truth always is...

The CD should be ready for distribution in about a month. I will upload a song as soon as I have the mastering completed.


sábado, junho 23, 2012

As I Lay Dying : New song, single, album, tour, ...

"  Beginning at midnight PST on June 25th, a free download of our brand new track "Cauterize" will be available athttp://www.asilaydying.com/ for 24 hours only. "Cauterize" is an advance track that will appear on our upcoming album, available this September. Get ready" AILD.

sexta-feira, junho 22, 2012

For Today : Você escolhe o set list [Warped tour 2012]

Views of band : Let us know what you think! The Vans Warped Touris right around the corner!!!

[Gigs] I-Scream Asso fest 2012


[Gigs] Comeback Kid, No Turning Back & Marathonmann

[views of ] Comeback Kid - It's almost been a year since we've been in Europe. We're excited to be back so soon!


[Interview] Halcyon Way thoughts ...

Which bands or artists do you consider as inspirational sources?

J : What makes the Halcyon Way sound unique is that we have a lot of different influences that really run the gamut of types of rock & metal. First and foremost, we write for the songs - if it's not a catchy chorus it won't make it. We want our stuff to be challenging musically, but for the average listener we want it to be songs they can bob their head to and sing along to. So the thing we have to strive for is balance as we write - we don't want to write 3 chord songs that are boring to play, but we don't want things to be so technical that the fans need a music degree to understand what's going on. Having said that, I'm heavily influenced as a guitar player by bay area thrash - Testament, Exodus, old Metallica, and so on. But I'm also influenced a lot by Queensryche, Fates Warning, old Dream Theater, and stuff like that. Then the newer wave of metalcore/death metal bands like Chimaira, Daath, Devildriver, Arsis, and things like that. I also listen to a lot of meat and potatoes hard rock like Monster Magnet or King's X. So personally I mix it all up in my writing style. Steve (Braun, vocals) is heavily influenced by Michael Sweet, Tony Harnell, and a lot of hard rock singers like that. However, he also loves death metal and growls so we can achieve an interesting interplay there with me doing the death growls and then switching right over to a big harmony vocal part. We love to do vocal harmonies like Stryper or King's X, and that's a key component of our sound. Ernie (Topran, drums) is heavily into progressive metal and black metal - he always adds a lot of interesting drum parts and layers to the material. We have an interesting dynamic when we write, because I'll be like "play the caveman beat BOOM-PAH-BOOM-PAH" and he's like "no, how about this" and it'll be some crazy shreddy drum part that somehow works. So we end up in the middle most of the time and it makes the material better. So we have a lot of things that we all listen to and are influenced by, but when we write together we're able to turn it into cohesive and memorable songs.

Full interview - http://www.rockyourlife.fr/interview/english/halcyon-way-22-05-12

quinta-feira, junho 21, 2012

[Gigs] : Megadeth "Countdown To Extinction" 20th Anniversary

Megadeth em São Paulo

Um dos maiores ícones mundiais do thrash metal, o Megadeth, retorna ao Brasil em setembro de 2012 em uma única apresentação São Paulo comemorando 20 anos do álbum “Countdown to Extinction”, que será tocado na íntegra! O show está agendado para o dia 5 de setembro (quarta-feira) na casa de shows Via Funchal.

Atualmente o Megadeth que faz parte do “Big Four” juntamente com Metallica, Slayer e Anthrax, segue divulgando seu mais recente trabalho de estúdio, TH1RT3EN, lançado em 2011


Data : 05 de setembro de 2012 (quarta)
Horário: 22h
Abertura da casa: 20:00h
Local: Via Funchal
Rua Funchal, 65 – São Paulo/SP
Tel: (11) 3846-2300


Via : http://www.radiocorsario.com.br/megadeth.html

[Gigs] August Burns Red : South America Tour

South America! Our tour has been moved to December and we are now coming down with We Came As Romans all tickets for our previously announced tour will be honored. Tickets for all shows now on sale, let's party! /August Burns Red

[Gigs] Graspop Metal Meeting fest 2012

w/August Burns RedComeback Kid

quarta-feira, junho 20, 2012

[Gigs] Petite-Nation Rockfest 2012


[Gigs] ProgPower USA 2012


September 16, 2011

North America's premier progressive and power metal event returns to Center Stage in Atlanta, Georgia September 12-15 2012.

Epica (headliner)

Above Symmetry
Beyond-the Bridge
Mayan (with special guests)
Pretty Maids
Symphony X (headliner)

PS |  Herbie Langhans ( Seventh Avenue ) - guitarrista das bandas  Sinbreed e  Beyond-the Bridge ).

Solution.45 [Formado por ex (?) membros do DivineFire, Random Eyes, Miseration, entre outros.]

Metal Bible : 2795 Metal Bibles distribuidas no Sweden Rock Fest 2012

Victory report from Metal Bible outreach at Sweden Rock 2012!
2795 Metal Bibles went out and several was saved! Read more below...

First of all I want to thank you very much for your prayer support! It has meant more than words can say!

Sweden Rock Festival is the biggest metal festival in Scandinavia (northern Europe), gathering over 30 000 metalheads!

This year we were ca 60 Christians involved in the outreach stationed at 6 different places, both in the market place (Metal Community/CMI/White Metal Shop), in the middle of the festival area (Street Church), at the biker camp (Biker Church) and also at two places at the festival camp (Street Church).

We started with raising the tents on Sunday and Monday. Then on Tuesday we started the outreach. An interesting thing this year was that our tent in the market area had some really interesting neighbours. Right on the left there was a porn tent and on the right side we had Hells Angels as neighbours - so were just in the right place! Cause we as Christians are called to be light in the darkness, so we felt that we were just where we should be.

The porn tent also had some big banners with half naked women on the sides of their tent. The banners were several meters high and could be seen at a long distance. A few hours after we started the outreach on Tuesday a mighty wind however started to blow and then the porn banners were just broken in half by the wind! So it seems like God didn’t like them.

We started every day with the Lord’s Supper and prayer, proclaiming Jesus victory over satan. Some days however, there were a big struggle to celebrate the Lord’s Supper. Several things happened and the Enemy really tried to do all he could to distract us and keep us from doing this. But
we persisted and kept celebrating the Lord’s Supper every day and that is definately a key to the successful outreach that followed. While doing this we also proclaimed that the place around our tent belonged to God and prayed in Jesus mighty name that all demons would be bind so they couldn’t do anything against us or the tent. We also prayed that people we met would be open to God and also made ourselves available to God praying that He will use us just as He wanted and that we would be a blessing to people He would send in our way and be tools to show them God’s love.

This year God opened some really cool doors also directly to the bands; Sabaton, which at the moment is the best selling Swedish metal band worldwide, played a gig including the national hymn at the Swedish National Day. A few hours before the gig one of the members in the band came by the Metal Bible tent and picked up a copy of the Metal Bible! Pretty cool, eh? Heat, another up’n’coming band also wanted us to us pray for them about an interview they were doing later that day. It’s really amazing which cool doors God is opening, also to the metal bands! Amen.

Talking about bands not all however were positive to us and our Christian faith. Some satanic black metal bands like Dimmu Borgir and Dark Funeral were playing. But before the gigs we had prayed in Jesus mighty name that the evil forces that followed them would be bind and that they would not be able to transmit any satanic influence over the audience. And lo and behold, when Dimmu Borgir and Dark Funeral then played the evil message they spread were totally powerless, it was just words but no power behind it! So their satanic messge just fell flat to the ground. Amen! So GOD really showed that He is the one that rules. So, when our enemy could not work through the openly satanic bands he tried to work through other neutral bands like Twisted Sister. Dee Snider, their vocalist mocked and cursed God heavily and even tried to get the audience to mock God as well. It was strange and really sad to hear that kind of garbage from him.

Anyway, God did some really cool stuff! We had many great spiritual talks and also got the opportunity to pray for many. We had put up signs saying that “If you want prayer we can pray for you”. Then those that were interested came forward and we prayed for them. We had also put up signs with the text “Feel free to take a Metal Bible”. Then those that were interested came forward and picked up a copy of it. So it’s always their initiative. We never push metal bibles or prayer on anyone. We are just there being available to people and showing them God’s love and then those that want to come to us for prayer, metal bibles, talks etc.

We were also giving away notes with Bible quotes. One member of Hells Angels took one and it was right on target, cause the Scripture he got was saying that “bad company can destroy even the best”. He was really hit by the message and later on when his friends from Hells Angels was not around he came in secret and wanted to have prayer. Pretty amazing how God can lead. Street Church also had improvised meetings in their military tents in the camping area, where they got the opportunity to pray and witness to lots of people.

The most important thing however, that happened during the festival was that several persons found Christ. Amen! Soli Deo Gloria.

During the outreach 2795 Metal Bibles were distributed! Amen. This is really amazing since before this year a total of 28 000 copies have went out on this festival since 2005, so in total over 30 000 metal bibles have now been distributed on this festival. All I can do is just praise GOD for this and for all He has done and will do through all these metal bibles. Besides metal bibles, also other special bibles like Biker Bible, Motor Bible etc were distributed there, so in total 3565 bibles were spread there! Amen. We also had a special tract with prayers an Psalms and 1400 copies were distributed of it.

So God’s Word was really going out heavily at the festival. A big harvest will come. God has also promised that the Word of God won’t return void, cause He will watch of over it and fulfill it in each person that receives it.

Please keep all the the people that received metal bibles and other special bibles, prayer/psalm book and that we talked to and prayer for, that God will urge them to read it especially during the next following days and that God will speak prophetically into their lives through the bibles and that they will find Christ through it. Pray especially also for those that have found Christ through the outreach. Pray that they will stay saved and grow strong in Christ.

Besides spreading bibles I was also selling Christian metal cds and shirts in my booth during the festival. My colleague Henrik from White Metal Shop that shared the booth was also selling cds, cool belts, jewellery and rings with crosses. By standing there and selling Christian Metal many misconceptions about Christian Metal were broken and people were amazed that there there are so many good quality Christian Metal bands out there to check out. Pray that God will continue to speak to them through the Christian Metal cds and other merchandise they bought and continue His work in them and that the things they bought will be tools to help many to Christ.

I really want to thank GOD for all He did during this metal bible outreach! God is so awesome and He is really the one that has made this metal bible outreach so successful. I'm glad to have the privilege to be His servant. To GOD be the glory forever and ever. Amen.

In His Service

Johannes Jonsson



If you want to support this ministry and make it possible to continue to distribute the Metal Bible at Sweden Rock and Wacken Open Air etc you can also donate a gift to it. We are dependent on gifts to do this and ANY gift is really valuable and makes it possible to us to spread the Metal Bible to more metalheads all around the world. Write “To The Metal Bible” in the message field.

Paypal: gift@themetalbible.com

IBAN SE88 9500 0099 6026 0234 1006 / SWIFT-BIC NDEASESS (International)
PG: 26 53 47-5 (Sweden)

[Gigs] Viper | Demolition Inc & Pastore

Viper | To Live Again Tour

VIPER, (classic lineup w/ André Mattos), open acts  Pastore &  Demolition  Inc.

For + info - https://www.facebook.com/pastoreband/timeline

terça-feira, junho 19, 2012

Join The Dead :Nova banda formada por veteranos do thrash metal cristão.

Come thrash with... 

Join The Dead is a brand new Northern California based thrash band that draws its influence from bands like Violence, Exodus and Metallica.

Join The Dead are the start of what is looking to prove that 2012 will see a resurgence of the thrash scene! Taking lessons from Exodus, Forbidden, Violence and early Metallica, Join The Dead wear their heart (or sound) on their sleeve proudly!

Whether you like your thrash a little old school or you love the sounds of some of the newer era of thrash, thrash fans all over the world will be eating up the bands brand new self titled 4 song EP. Join The Dead features Michael Phillips (Deliverance, The Sacrificed, Fasedown) Paul White (Decadence) and Tim Kronyak (Deliverance) moshing it up on their debut release!

Watch for our debut EP on Roxx Records. The EP will feature 4 killer tunes entitled Mask of Fear, Out of Breath, Self Inflicted Pain and Idol Faith.

The EP will also be available in a very Limited Edition CD pressing that will also include 13 bonus tracks, featuring many previously unreleased demos and live recordings. Early recordings from some of the bands where the members of ‘Join The Dead’ got their start, such as Decadence, Testimony, fasedown and Deliverance. These long lost recordings include the likes of some amazing players including…Greg Minier, Tim Kronyak, Michael Phillips, Paul White, Jim Chaffin and Jimmy Brown to name a few. The CD release will include a full color booklet telling the story and history of many of these unreleased gems.

Many of these demos have never been available or heard by the general public. This musical journey can only be told by reading the story written by Michael Phillips and listening to the music on this Limited Edition CD. The additional bonus tracks and story will ONLY be available for a limited time and only on the CD pressing of the Join The Dead ‘EP’.

So whether you’re in the mood for some brand new thrash and hearing the start of what promises to be a great up and coming shaker on the thrash scene, or you want to hear a little musical history from the artists in ‘Join The Dead’, this release will offer something for everyone!
Check out Roxx Productions store for more details on the packages!

In Press On www.roxxproductions.com

Project 86 : New Album, Wait for the Siren coming Aug 21, 2012


1. Fall, Goliath, Fall
3. Omerta's Sons
4. Off the Grid
5. New Transmission
6. Defector
7. The Crossfire Gambit
8. Blood Moon
9. Above the Desert Sea
10. Ghosts of Easter Rising
11. Avalantia
12. Take the Hill
13. Wait for the Siren

In late June P86 will kick off a month long tour that will include headlining shows and festivals across the US, building up to the highly anticipated release of their eighth studio album, Wait For the Siren. Even though Wait For the Siren releases August 21, fans who attend shows between August 1 and August 20 will have the chance to purchase the album on CD or vinyl before the official release date! For more information on dates, including tickets, visit www.project86.com.

We will be adding a few more dates so stay tuned for updates!

Project 86 Tour Dates:

June 30 - Shirleysburg, PA - Creation Farm
July 14 - Oshkosh, WI - Sunnyview Expo Center
July 17 - Stockton, CA - The Burning Bush 209
July 18 - Portland, OR - Warner Pacific College
July 19 - Spokane, WA - The A Club
July 20 - Enumclaw, WA - Enumclaw Expo Center
July 21 - Eugene, OR - The Box
July 22 - San Jose, CA - Westgate Church
July 27 - Denver, CO - Crossroads Church of Denver
July 28 - Bloomfield, IA - Promise Land Campgrounds
July 29 - Linton, IN - Linton First Youth HouseAug 1 - Findlay, OH - The Catalyst Church
Aug 3 - Gilford, NH - Gunstock Mountain Resort
Aug 4 - Harmony, NC - Van Hoy Fairgrounds
Aug 8 - Darien Center, NY - Darien Lake Theme Park ResortAug 10 - Dublin, OH - Orange Friends Church
Aug 11 - Clarksburg, WV - Main St. Downtown/Jesusfest
Aug 12 - Canton, OH - The Auricle
Aug 13 - Joliet, IL - Mojoes
Aug 18 - Fullerton, CA - The Slidebar
Aug 31 - Plymouth, CA - Amador County Fairgrounds
Sept 3 - Albuquerque, NM - Cliff's Amusement Park - Freedomfest
Sept 15 - Shippensburg, PA - Shippensburg Community Fair

For More Information:


[Gigs]: Antidemon Kicking out show at Costa Rica

get + info tour dates -   https://www.facebook.com/antidemonband

segunda-feira, junho 18, 2012

For Today : Bus tour designs.


Buy cd's & shirts at our online merch stores:
Europe/UK: http://www.impericon.com/en/#!/?query=for%20today%20-&order=desc


Complete list of shows coming up this Summer. USA / EUROPE / RUSSIA NORMA JEAN USA SUMMER 2012 w/ THIS OR THE APOCALYPSE & ICE NINE KILLS 7/5 Nashville, TN @ Rocketown 7/7 Bushnell, IL @ Cornerstone Festival 7/8 Dayton, OH …Continue reading →


domingo, junho 17, 2012

Saint [ Pre-Order] Desperate Night

Pre-Order your copy today!!!! The long awaited CD from Saint, Desperate Night will be available for hard copy by June 25th and in the digital stores soon.

+ news upcoming |  at http://saintsite.com/

Gideon : [interview] " Most people had positive things to say "

Gideon bassist Timmy Naugher talks about their upcoming album, an incident at The Pit, and recaps the year since the release of ‘Cost’ – By Ryan Ogle

[ source] --- http://www.ampmagazine.com

The Overseer : Premiere New Song, “Vulture”

Hard-rock outfit the Overseer will release their debut album, We Search, We Dig, on June 19. In anticipation, the band is premiering new song “Vulture” right here right now. Check it out below, read what singer Tony Rivera and bassist Bradley Riggs have to say about the track, and let us know what you think in the comments.

REVOLVER What’s the song “Vulture” about?

TONY RIVERA Lyrically, the song is kind of dark and is about being in a really rough spot, possibly your worst in life, but it touches on the core, the title of album, to keep searching and to dig your way out.

Which part of it did you come up with first?

BRADLEY RIGGS This was actually the last song that we wrote for the record. We had the other nine tracks pre pro’d out before we ever got to Glow in the Dark [studio] in Atlanta and wrote this one in the studio over the course of about the first six to nine days. We wanted a riffy, hard-hitting intro with dark, heavy choruses and a bridge that was something we hadn’t done ever before. And “Vulture” definitely turned out awesome and one of all of our favorite tracks. It’s got that heavy Deftones feel and even a little weird Radiohead style.

Was this an easy song to write?

RIVERA Yeah, I normally write all of my lyrics ahead of time and then put them to the music as it’s written, but I even wrote the lyrics at Glow. Then Darren [King, guitar] and I worked on the patterns and melodies and they came together so quickly!

What sort of reaction do you want to get from the song?

RIVERA I think the listeners will really hear a song that’s outside the box, and it really shows the versatility of our band in the sense of our influences and writing styles.

source  - Revolver Magazine http://www.revolvermag.com/news/the-overseer-premiere-new-song-vulture.html

[Review - Pics] New England Metal and Hardcore Fest

link to read here ...

Show Review: New England Metal and Hardcore Fest (Day 3)
Posted by morganyevans on Wednesday, June 13, 2012 at 11:12 PM (PST)

All Photos Courtesy of MetalRiot.com

sábado, junho 16, 2012

[Review - Pics] Purple Door Fest 2012

Review by Kim Flanders.
Photos by Michael Todaro

to read - http://www.hmmagazine.com/2012/06/extended-purple-door-fest-review/

sexta-feira, junho 15, 2012

[Pics] Vainstream Rockfest 2012


10.06.2012 | Fotograf: Jannik Holdt

Recon : Rey Parra - Sacred Warrior - is set to front the lead vocals.

Rey Parra (formerly of Sacred Warrior) is set to front Christian power metal band, Recon. This was announced early June 15th on the official facebook of George Rene Ochoa (Guitarist for Recon). The announcement simply stated the following: “Working on tracks for the long awaited new Recon CD “The Chosen Few”. Rey Parra from Sacred Warrior is set to front the lead vocals. Exciting stuff!“

This will come as a huge surprise to many fans of both Recon and Sacred Warrior especially in-light of Rey’s recent resignation from Sacred Warrior(SW). Rey’s departure from SW was a shock to many SW fans, considering that SW was in the middle of recording their first studio album in several years. According to Rey and members of SW, one of the main reasons behind Rey leaving was due to scheduling issues with getting Rey’s vocal tracks recorded. That left many confused considering the fact that modern technology can allow for recording in different locations. As a result, many fans begun speculating reasons for Rey leaving SW, even as far as rumors of health related issues. This announcement of Rey recording the vocals for the new Recon album will no doubt only add more confusion and questions to Rey’s departure from Sacred Warrior. Nevertheless, whatever the reasons, we wish both bands the best and we look forward to reviewing both of the new-long-awaited albums here at Untombed.

There have been no official announcements from Rey as of the time and date of this article submission. We will update this article as more news becomes available.

Via http://untombed.com/archives/6760

quinta-feira, junho 14, 2012

A Hill To Die Upon : [teaser] Imagens - corpse paint - para novo video.

The Devil Wears Prada release track listing for “Dead&Alive”

by Brian Kraus Alt Press

originally published in http://www.altpress.com/news/entry/the_devil_wears_prada_release_track_listing_for_deadalive

The Devil Wears Prada have announced the track listing of their live DVD/CD set, Dead&Alive.

1. Dead Throne
2. Untidaled
3. Escape
4. Sassafras
5. Born To Lose
6. Mammoth
7. Kansas
8. Hey John, What's Your Name Again?
9. Vengeance
10. Outnumbered
11. Assistant to the Regional Manager
12. Dez Moines
13. Dogs Can Grow Beards All Over
14. Chicago
15. Constance
16. Danger: Wildman

Preorder packages for the set go live tomorrow here.

The band's upcoming tour dates can all be seen below.

THE DEVIL WEARS PRADA North American Tour 2012
All Dates w/Rockstar Energy Drink Mayhem Festival Except *

26 Edmonton, AB YC Alberta 2012 *

15 Wentworth, QC D-Tox Rockfest 2012 *
27 Farmington, NM Top Deck *
28 Flagstaff, AZ Orpheum Theater *
30 San Bernardino, CA San Manuel Amphitheater

1 Mountain View, CA Shoreline Amphitheatre
3 Auburn, WA White River Amphitheatre
4 Boise, ID Idaho Center Amphitheater
6 Phoenix, AZ Ashley Furniture HomeStore Pavilion
7 Albuquerque, NM Hard Rock Pavilion
8 Englewood, CO Comfort Dental Amphitheatre
9 Wichita, KS The Cotillion *
10 Dallas, TX Gexa Energy Pavilion
11 The Woodlands, TX The Cynthia Woods Mitchell Pavilion
13 Tampa, FL 1-800-ASK-GARY Amphitheatre
14 Atlanta, GA Aaron's Amphitheatre at Lakewood
15 Noblesville, IN Klipsch Music Center
17 Bonner Springs, KS Sandstone Amphitheater
18 Oklahoma City, OK Zoo Amphitheatre
20 St. Louis, MO Verizon Wireless Amphitheater
21 Tinley Park, IL First Midwest Bank Amphitheatre
22 Clarkston, MI DTE Energy Music Theatre
24 Cincinnati, OH Riverbend Music Center
25 Cuyahoga Falls, OH Blossom Music Center
27 Camden, NJ Susquehanna Bank Center
28 Burgettstown, PA First Niagara Pavilion
29 Bristow, VA Jiffy Lube Live
31 Saratoga Springs, NY Saratoga Performing Arts Center

3 Mansfield, MA Comcast Center
4 Moosic, PA Toyota Pavilion At Montage Mountain
5 Hartford, CT Comcast Theatre

15 Elmira, NY iMatter Festival




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