Tocar baixo numa banda de rock é, provavelmente, o tipo de atividade que funciona como um apetite saudável, especialmente se essa banda de rock passa a ser o rolo compressor da cultura pop conhecido como No Doubt. Para o baixista Tony Kanal, só comida vegan serve de combustível quando ele precisa de muita adrenalina nos shows e no ativismo animal fazendo dele um genuíno, rock and roll monstro verde, incansavelmente.
Ele tem sido ativo no Peta, durante anos, organizando um leilão online de coisas do No Doubt para o Animal Acres, autografando guitarras para beneficiar o Mercy For Animals ou dirigindo-se para uma campanha da Crowdrise campaign for Farm Sanctuary. Ele ama a contribuir para um mundo melhor para os animais, sempre que ele pode.
When it Comes to Animals, Tony’s the Groupie.
He doesn’t just donate things and go to fancy galas! He also loves going right to the source by visiting the sanctuaries he supports, lending a helping hand and giving the animals some love.
He’s a vegan who loves food.
Tony said of his decision, “I’ve always just loved animals and you just start making the connectionbetween what you’re eating and what happens to these poor animals and once you start making those connections and realizing the truth behind what you’re eating, it just, there wasn’t any other option for me.” Enjoying dishes like mock ground beef and pickle tacos, vegan sushi and the Indian flavors from his childhood, Tony’s only option was both the humane and Hella Good one.
When Animal Acres Made him Their “Activist of the Month” he Said he Didn’t Feel he’d Done Enough Barn Cleanings to Earn it!
Be it a bass or broom, Tony wields it like a true expert. He also gives excellent head rubs!
His Twitter feed is filled with activism.
He isn’t afraid to express his views, taking to Twitter when there’s a thought, feeling, issue or call to action that he wants to share. With over 37 thousand followers, he sheds light on the plight of animals to a massive amount of people every day.
If it’s an Animal Rights Issue, Tony Kanal Cares About it.
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